Riti Foundation

About Us

Riti foundation started on the date of 9th sep 2023 at vaishali 2 Vaishali. Why this date was chosen …because on this date Pradhan mantra maatru surakshya yojna is celebrated in all over utter pradesh government hospitals. Free ANC check ups lab test and nutritional products distribution done of all pregnant women..So the motive of this NGO is working with support of govt of UP.
On the date o 9th of every month all the government Kendra organise this programme on there respective place .
With the support of this programme we are supporting to all pregnant ladies who can ragister their
Names for medicine and bloodtesting which is totally free.
Riti foundation specially supported with poor sector people for there free treatment and education. And awareness programme for children and whole community.
Riti foundation is providing nutrition diagnosis health issue supplement which riti foundation provided free.

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